Older Griffith (30)

Griffith's own heaviest sin incarnated into a bodily form which explains the same resemblance. Unsure of why he walks the earth; given what he has seen using his own ability to see people's sins and wrongdoings, he feels the people that walk it do not deserve the world.

TW: (Mention of suicide)
The more skin he reveals, the more Saurga hands he's able to summon. More skillful in controlling Saurga, he himself does not know how the amorphic being came about as well as himself. He simply awoke one day and from that day forward has just been on survival mode the rest of the time for being mistaken as Young Griffith in which the boy had ties with gangs and shady business.

Unlike Younger Griffith, lives have been taken due to Saurga defending him and has tried to also take his own after becoming tired from seeing how selfish and deceitful everyone really is but cannot do so since Saurga would protect him from inflicting pain on himself. Upon meeting Misae, he sees potential in them being able to bring him his own end, though Misae has his own plans.

Elder Griffith (Age: ???)

After being visited by Meteion since they last met six years ago when they planted a god's eye inside Griffith, Meteion seeked out Griffith, only to find them in a predicament once again in a fight against Misae. Meteion's goal, along with her sisters is to rid as many worlds as they can. Needing a leader and someone to help hasten the destruction of worlds, she turned to Griffith and gifted him the remaining eye, thus expanding his use involving Saurga in a more detailed manner and the ability to now also see people's mourning and moments of hurt.

He is able to see "links" in people when landing upon witnessing a moment of hurt in the individual. Following the invisible link and a with a snap of their fingers, is able to vaporize the being that inflicted the pain had they not made amends in the past, along with the ability to perverse people's thoughts, create hallucinations based on hidden wishes, and getting into their minds and finding an opening in which only those with the will power can resist.

Absolutely done with the world and their wicked ways, as well as constantly seeing people's inability to make amends with each other and settle their problems in a mature manner, he no longer gives a shit after seeing the constant hypocrisy in others, the cowardice in people to not resolve their problems amongst each other and the two-faced nature amongst human beings. He believes people can co-exist with each other, but care more about themselves and being correct that he's just had enough with the world.